Hey there..
I have a village located at -104 - 73 and i ahve currently (january 7th 19.00 h) 189 villagers.
Unfortunatly i just lost my troops, but i normally have around 20-30 Clubswingers
Normally im online 4-5 times a day, early morning, midday and a few times when i get home from School/Wor, and then again oround 9-10 in the evening.
Aquitania likes to attack me some times, but i cant say that hes farming me, because i think he had attacked me 3 times the last week, but without getting any bigger amount of ressources...
Why I want to join UN? I am sick and tired of NATO2, my current allianse, because they are inactive, people getting attacked, no one cares there! So i have been looking for an more serious allianse, and saw UN, which seems to be a more serious allianse...
Now me? hmm. im 19 years, just started new education, I live in Denmark, I got a deal with a friend of my, were being sitters to eachothers, so we allways grow in population, and prevent us from loosing to many troops.